Nwa Grace-James
"Inspired by her own foremothers' legacies and the friendships formed throughout her life, Rozella Kennedy centers and celebrates the stories of 100 Black, Brown, Asian, and Indigenous women--both famous and little-known--who changed the course of US history. In the beautiful pages of Our Brave Foremothers, discover an intergenerational, intercultural bouquet of Black, Brown, Asian, and Indigenous women lifted into the significance that they deserve....
With this inspiring and brightly illustrated guide to power, learn about the different types of power, what it means to have power, and what you can do with your own power to create positive change in the world, no matter who or how old you are.
What makes you the boss of me? What makes a king a king, or a queen a queen? Why can some people vote for their leaders, but other people can't? Does having lots of money make you powerful? Why...
What makes you the boss of me? What makes a king a king, or a queen a queen? Why can some people vote for their leaders, but other people can't? Does having lots of money make you powerful? Why...